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Legislative Update (click on the links below for the full pdf version of the bill)

AB 529 (Speed limit - downward speed zoning)

The bill would allow, in cases in which the speed limit needs to be rounded up to the nearest 5 miles per hour increment of the 85th-percentile speed, the department or a local authority to decide to instead round down the speed limit to the lower 5 miles per hour increment, but then the department or a local authority would be prohibited from reducing the speed limit any further for any reason.

SB 910 (Passing a bicycle)

This bill would allow a vehicle to cross double parallel solid white and yellow lines while passing a bicycle.

AB 345 (Traffic Control Devices Committee)

The bill would require the department to ensure that the committee includes various
representatives, including representatives from organizations representing the interests of nonmotorized users of the highway.
City Traffic Engineers Association
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ITE Southern California Section

Orange County Traffic Engineering Council (OCTEC)

Americal Public Works Association (APWA) Southern California Chapter

California MUTCD 2012

California Traffic Control Devices Committee